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General Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
by Kate from Gaithersburg, MD USA
March 3, 2015
The Best Rebounder Ever!!!
23 out of 23 people found this review helpful:
Our 23 year old son is autistic. He has been using his Rebounder for exercise for years now. He is only on his second Rebounder. He uses it every day, several times a day, for a minimum of 30 minutes daily. But there are many, many days when he may bounce for as long as an hour total. It's the perfect exercise for him, rain or shine, extremely hot or cold weather. Without it, our son would have a weight problem because he certainly loves his carbohydrates! Thanks, Needak for an indispensable, long-life product!
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by Ann from Albuquerque, USA
May 15, 2014
Soft Bounce Rebounder
29 out of 29 people found this review helpful:
I just received my non-fold soft bounce rebounder 5 days after ordering it. I love it. I have already read the little book enclosed with it by Linda Brooks and did 4 minutes of bouncing. I am used to the cheap rebounders and have used them for 4 years. This is a rebounder! Already I feel the difference. I wish I had gotten this 4 years ago! The customer service is wonderful and helpful. I recommend the Needak above the others.
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by Mike from Nashville, TN USA
April 25, 2014
Just arrived and assembled
16 out of 19 people found this review helpful:
Just assembled a folding soft bounce combo with bar. The product is solid and stable. I like it. One of the leg springs was buried down in the leg. I had to make a heavy wire with a hook long enough to go get the spring. Also some leg springs ride against leg so you need needle-nose pliers or something to lift into the leg base hole. Also found the rubber feet hard to remove for the bar install; I protected the leg in a cloth and stabilized in a vice - then I could get a lot of pull/twist to remove the rubber. I certainly took the Vaseline suggestion encase I ever need to remove again. These little things might be troublesome for non-mechanical folks (could this not be better facilitated before shipping). The rest of install was smooth by following directions closely. Initial light bouncing is amazingly easy yet you can immediately feel the bodily effects. Will review again after use. At this pre-use point I would recommend the products heft and layout.
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by Doris from Seattle
December 15, 2013
Extremely happy
17 out of 17 people found this review helpful:
I talked to a lovely Needak representative over the phone and she helped me understand whether I could use a rebounder or not. My concern was ceiling noise in an apartment and in the end I decided to get the soft bounce.

It ended up being perfect and my neighbors don't complain at all!
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by kim from USA
August 27, 2013
Happy Customer
8 out of 8 people found this review helpful:
Excellent, fast shipment. Google checkout simple & fast.
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by Dex from Vancouver, Canada
August 27, 2013
Appreciate the effort
4 out of 8 people found this review helpful:
Rebounder was delivered a few times but missed me and I had to go pick it up at the depot. Other than that, awesome product. very happy with the service.
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by K.K, Texas, USA from
February 18, 2013
Very helpful staff and website.
11 out of 11 people found this review helpful:
Very helpful staff and website. The website also has lot of information about how to repair the trampolines and I found it useful. I will certainly buy from them again in future.
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by Kim Wu from Seattle, USA
January 4, 2013
Recommended by a friend
8 out of 8 people found this review helpful:
I was recommended by a friend and am glad I found out about rebounders. I didn't know you could buy one for home use.
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by Uslav from New York, USA
November 27, 2012
Highly recommended
5 out of 6 people found this review helpful:
Staff was quick to answer questions and purchase was plainless. no complaints!
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by Josh B. from Toronto, Canada
October 31, 2012
Best rebounder site
7 out of 7 people found this review helpful:
I do a lot of shopping and research a lot before purchasing. A rebounder isn't cheap and I found this site to be the most accurate, reliable and easy to navigate. The price is also great.
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